Ron Dwyer-Voss

Pacific Community Solutions was founded in 2006 to support leaders, organizations and agencies shift power to create positive social change.

Pacific Community Solutions, Inc. offers training, technical assistance, consultation and speaker services to  community-based groups, nonprofit organizations, local governments, and philanthropy.

Our focus is promoting democracy and social justice through connected, powerful and organized communities using an Asset Based Community Development approach to equity promoting strategies and empowerment evaluation.

Whether we are developing resident capacity, revitalizing a community development practice, developing strategy for future success or designing an evaluation to amplify voices and stories,  we start with strengths and assets. This makes our work more effective, more sustainable after we are gone, and more fun!

We specialize in four areas:

Asset Based Community Development (ABCD)

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Community Engagement and Organizing

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Evaluation, Learning and Strategy

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Meeting Facilitation and Focus Groups

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Building On What’s Already There

Our logo is a wave.

Waves create change through ongoing, reliable and repeated efforts – rarely in a single event. Waves gather up what was already there, then focus and organize it in a new way to create a greater impact than the water they are comprised of would have otherwise. Then they do that over and over.

Most of  communities and organizations have most of what they need to create the change they want. We help them identify it, re-organize it, focus it and act on it.

We believe most solutions are local and all solutions are more effective and sustainable when they are developed with and in the communities they are intended to benefit.

We help our partners create inclusive environments where the most innovative and effective solutions can emerge.

We strive to build capacity in our partners, so that next time they can do it themselves.